Sunday, November 2, 2008

What Happens When You're Drugged

After a long night of being in the ER, I was sent home. They had given me morphine and some kind of IV anti-nausea meds.

In the middle of the night, The Hubs got up to take care of JT. When he came back, Audrey and I had taken over the whole bed. Since my mom and grandmother were here, there was nowhere else to sleep, that's why the 3 of us had piled into our bed in the first place.

He tried to push me over gently, but I wouldn't move. Finally, he tapped my shoulder. This is what happens when you have drugs in your system.

The Hubs: "Hey, scoot over so I can get in."
Me: "Go sleep in the bathtub."
The Hubs: "No! What?"
Me: tons of mumbling
The Hubs: "I can't understand you, you're not speaking English."
Me: "Whenever I speak english, I tell you to sleep in the bathtub!"

At this point, I think The Hubs just pushed me over. I don't remember any of it.

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