Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Outside Play

Well, JT has been doing great (yay), Audrey is of course wonderful, and we are all just having fun these days.

Mom is all set for surgery 12/4 (hysterectomy). She has bunches of appointments to prep this time, which is just kind of time consuming.

JT is turning 3 12/2, so that means he is transferring to the school district (graduating from early intervention). This means lots of evals and meetings, but we're hoping the transition goes well and he ends up getting services that fit him.

We got outside last week, and mom took some cute pics of the kiddos. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. A hysterectomy? Wow! I had no idea... Are you having to have one I suppose? Well, I hope it goes well... Good luck!
