Saturday, August 9, 2008

Developmental Milestones

JT was always a little behind on his milestones.
Gross motor:
Crawling - 8 months
Walking - 13.5 months
at 32 months (current), he seems to be on target/advanced in gross motor skills.

Fine motor:
32 months (current) - using spoon, but turning it upside down (messy! haha), has pincer grasp mastered.

JT's language skills:
First 'word' - dada - 9 months
Second 'word' - mama - 12.5 months (the ONLY time he EVER said mama)
Nonverbal until 30 months
31 months - echolalia
32 months (current) - words include: whoa, okay, whee, ball, truck, car, hi, night-night, byebye

Sensory issues:
JT is a sensory seeker. He loves to jump off of things, on his trampoline. He has low muscle tone, which makes him go all the time. He likes to eat ice. He mouths most toys still, although he is very good about not swallowing (thank goodness, see the penny incident in medical history for why that is a HUGE relief). JT toe-walks, flaps, but most of his stims are visual. He loves to watch reflections, wheels turning, shadows and anything that spins. He lines up anything that he finds that matches... Coke cans, DVD's, cars, anything. He tries to sleep with strange things such as shoes or (unopened) plastic containers of playdoh.

Behavioral issues:
JT is hard headed. He only wants to do things that are his idea. He has a temper, and is aggressive if he does not get his way. He is known to bite, throw, scream, kick and hit when he is riled up... He is a hoarder.

JT is a sweet little man. Although he does not give 'real' hugs or kisses, he is affectionate in other ways. He likes to snuggle in your lap, lay on you, gently play with hair. He loves physical games. He enjoys singing and dancing. He thinks the 'bad guys' are hilarious - his favorite being Swiper on Dora. He absolutely adores his sister. He responds very well to praise, and really tries to be compliant.

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