Friday, August 1, 2008

August Already?!

I can't believe it's August! So much has been happening around here that July came and went without me realizing it!

JT is talking tons now! He loves to tease his daddy by saying "The Hubs" (haha). He also says car, truck, uhoh, whoa, hey, hi, boo, pull... And so much more! He said giraffe for his ABA therapist, Amy. It was pretty funny!

I started physical therapy for my ankle. I had an MRI done, and completely tore the ATFL (anterior talo fibular ligament). I also have tendinitis in my peroneal tendon, which is because my ankle is unstable so the peroneal tendon is working overtime so I don't fall over! Anyway, the doc said we are going to try physical therapy for 6 weeks, and if it doesn't work, surgery... So, we're hoping the therapy works! I go back September 12th for the big decision day...

JT's therapies combined with my therapy twice a week are keeping us busy busy busy.

Audrey's still a pretty princess, helping with her brother however she can. Such as sweet girl.

I got a new job writing articles for Demand Studios... Still with Writers Research Group, too, but the articles with Demand Studios gave me a good raise :0)

We're still truckin' along!

1 comment:

  1. good luck with the ankle!... I hope you don't have to have surgery on it... that would not be fun... and it is crazy that it's already August... wow!... I can't stand the heat though, so I'm kind of ready for Fall.

    - Melissa
