Saturday, September 5, 2009

iPhone - ShapeBuilder App

I would have never guessed JT would understand electronics. And until his recent referral meeting, I thought he had a delay in fine motor (ps - he is age appropriate now :) ).

So, when he took the phone from Audrey as she was playing the ShapeBuilder app, I was shocked to hear Audrey say, "Good job, JT! You did it ALL BY YOURSELF!"

The ShapeBuilder app has an outline of the picture (ie a rooster, guitar, any letter, etc) and an outline of the piece shape. Some of them have ten pieces! The pieces are all different colors and weird shapes. You have to drag the piece into the right spot, and it makes a sound that indicates it's in the right place. It takes a good deal of finger (single finger) pressure/pointing to get it to move and into its spot. Once it's done, the image becomes the real thing, with all the detail, and it'll say something (identifies, then animal noise or noise the shape makes).

JT LOVES it. He plays it ALL THE TIME. He'll play it for 30 minutes sometimes, going from shape to shape.

Pretty cool stuff!!!

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