Saturday, October 31, 2009


Well, trick-or-treating didn't go well. In fact, it was awful. We went to the mall, and between people up in his face, people bumping him, waiting in line, having to ask (they would try to look him in the face and ask him questions in an already loud place) and just basically just crazy overload, he lost it. We ended up carrying out a monkey who was screaming like a velociraptor (that's the only way to describe this particular angry scream... it shakes the eardrum).

He busted the zipper on the costume during his tantrum, which was fine, since it won't fit soon (he is growing... again LOL). He didn't mean to, he was just pulling at it, and the zipper popped. No big deal.

We came home and Audrey and daddy went out in the neighborhood. He stayed here, and we passed out candy. He watched Alvin, giggling and playing with me, and brought me the candy bowl and said "cahkee" - wanting a piece. He also said "twihtwee" (trick or treat).

I took him out to the the jack-o-lanterns on the porch, and he looked and touched and said "puhpih", and looked inside and said "cahkoh" (candle). Hooray!!!

So, all's well that ends well :)

Right before bed, I let him put on Audrey's costume he had wanted to wear in the first place... A princess on a pink unicorn (his legs go in the back unicorn legs, there's a skirt hanging over that makes it look like they're riding). He galloped around the living room, happy as a lark, saying "Poh - wee! Hee haw!" Funny guy!!!

The one thing about life in general that really applies to autism... Just because it doesn't go the way you plan, doesn't mean it's a bad thing :)

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