Friday, June 10, 2011

New beginnings.

It all started on September 5, 2009, when we got JT's school assignment - Cary Elementary. I was so nervous about taking my 3 year old to another school, hoping that they would love him and I could trust them with my baby.

For the last almost 2 years, they have cared for, loved and helped my son more than I could have ever dreamed of that day.

His list of 'can't' dropped to almost nothing. He achieved things that no one would have ever guessed (and some flat-out told us he would never do). He has grown into a sweet, hilarious, very smart little boy. Big boy, he prefers to say.

He loves his teachers. So do we.

But as of 2pm today, JT is no longer in preschool. He is a kindergartener.

Letting go of something as wonderful as what we've had is so difficult...

Today, JT and our family have to say farewell to some of the most important people we've had in our lives. And we will miss them so much.

I can only hope that the next phase of our journey will be so full of blessings and wonderful people.

Congratulations on your graduation from preschool, JT! We are so proud of you and all you've done. Next up: Kindergarten!

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